Reusable Glasses

Glass & Straw

I went to friends baby shower over the weekend and one thing that automatically made me think about this class were the way they set up for their attendees beverages. I wanted to get something to drink and needed a cup, I saw a table with tiny glass jars and a straw already in each glass. I thought the glasses were keepsakes for the guests to take home and I found out that’s exactly what they were. The glasses were to be used throughout the even for any beverages that people wanted, each glass had a tag, and the table had markers to write your name on the tag. We were responsible to keep your glass, use it all night and take it home with you as your keepsake, and the straws in each glass was a paper straw. I don’t think I would have thought twice about this interesting decor, but after taking this course I believe this was an amazing sustainable move.

About the author: Alicia Barnes

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