
I must say that I’ve really enjoyed this class and it has opened my so much as living in a sustainable world. There is so much to do but it is worth it in my opinion. I do think that this generation for the most part is very lazy and do not want to take the time and effort to obtain business sustainability. I’ve always told myself that there isn’t anything worth having if it comes easy, you get better satisfaction knowing you worked hard to get what you’ve wanted or to get where you need to be. This is actually my second time taking this course and I’ve learned so much more this time around as I had more time than I had previously to complete this course. I won’t say that I am going to 100% take sustainable actions in everything that I do, but I know I will absolutely take the time and the effort in doing so. I am also excited to continue sharing my knowledge with others in hopes that we can all eventually get together as nation in taking sustainability more serious than we do now. We have to understand that it isn’t an individual situation but the economy as a whole. I am grateful for all that I have learn throughout this semester.

About the author: Alicia Barnes

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