I am one that loves Walmart super center stores, however living in Brooklyn, NY I don’t have the access to these stores as other may have outside of the city and in other states. There is a Walmart store located borderline Queens NY and Long Island, which is close to me but it still is far from the super center stores I’ve visited in places like the Poconos, North Carolina, Virginia and my recent visit to San Diego, California. What I found most interesting when I recently visited a Walmart Store in Chula Vista was their bag strategy. I went into this Walmart to purchase a few items, nothing out of the ordinary, but what took me by surprise was the cashier asking me if I needed a bag while ringing up the multiple items that I was purchasing. I first seemed a little offended by the question, thinking to myself “of course I need a bag how else will I carry out these items”. I kindly told the cashier yes, I will need a bag which gave to me.
A day later I returned to another Walmart store with my sister-in-law only buying 2 or 3 small items. When I was asked if I needed a bag I simply responded no thank you being that I was capable of carrying these smile items in my hand. I asked my sister-in- law about them asking if a bag was needed for your items that you purchased and she informed me that usually bring their own bags or reuse the store bags because they charge you $0.10 per bag when you do need one. This is very useful for the environment by reducing waste since plastic bag do no not biodegrade it causes less pollution within the land and in the water. I think that in order to encourage more customers to re-use their plastic bags or bring their own bags, Walmart along with many other stores should give customers some type of bag credit every time they do so. For example, when you purchase certain bottles, if you return them you get a $0.05 refund so you can still benefit on your end overtime. My mother is one that buys cases of water, she keeps all of her bottles to return to the store and she often is able to buy at least another case of water with the money she gets back. With that being said, individuals should be rewarded in some way when doing such things as reusing bags so that they are encouraged to continue doing it. I am curious to find out if this is currently being done in all Walmart stores or just in certain areas.