Olivia Tyler: Ted Talk

This video by Olivia Tyler gave a great insight on how deep and complex sustainability can be. As I've read in the TBL by Savitz sustainability is not easy and this shows just that. Olivia talked about something as simple as baking a cake, this is some that I do often and now I feel responsible and obligated to pay closer attention to the process when I am doing it. She speaks about what type of oils are used the cake, then you have to focus on the cream layers as well as the icing. We all often buy things on a daily basis and have no idea whether where things are made or where things grew. Its difficult to know the complete process of the supply change in products. Sustainability is a very intense process from the manufacturer down to the consumer purchase. I do believe that a lot of us are lazy, or have the lack of knowledge regarding sustainability. Olivia also mentioned consumers asking questions and basically doing our own investigations when purchasing things. The problem is, most of the time we are running into a store to pick up something and leave and never thing to even take 5 minutes to asks questions. Again, this can be a long and draining process, but we have to take into consideration why we are doing it.


Fuel Emissions


Attached is a New York Times article in regards to a government investigation of Ford vehicles. their fuel efficiency and emissions testing. This article caught my attention as I recently had to get my car inspected in order to renew my registration. In NYS and many others, you must pass a state inspection to make sure that your vehicle is safe including emissions. The Clean Air Act started passed in 1990, required that states perform an emission test on vehicles in order to pass inspection. These in my opinion are early sign of sustainability, although I'm almost certain it started years prior.